The Nil Diya Pokuna is a most beautiful place hidden in a mysterious environment. ‘Nil Diya Pokuna’ is well known among many as an important place in the legend of Ravana. There is a legend that King Rawana abducted Goddess Sita and hid in this cave. This is located in Karandagolla and is the largest underground cave ever discovered in the country. The cave is located at the end of a very clean and stagnant pool of water which makes it even more famous as a special place.

The intricate passages of the intriguing trail, through the narrow openings of the stone and the huge hallways, add to the thrill and horror of the journey with the occasional deep-seated darkness. It is a journey that must be taken very carefully and safely, and even the slightest omission can be fatal. Besides, it is believed that the tunnel was designed to reach several other areas hundreds of feet below the surface.

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After about 6km from the Ravana waterfall on the Ella-Wellawaya road and 2km on the Mango Estate road which falls to the south, two roads have been found to access this. Our advice is to use the pothole in a private garden on the right and to use the road 3km ahead to reach the top. Since the Ravana tunnel consists of precipices that descend several feet at each step, the path should be constantly lit by torch lights before entering the tunnel. Having a strong light illuminates the path as well as the beauty inside the cave. At the end of the first step of the tunnel is a huge hall with a hemispherical roof and a cave.

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