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Sera Ella Falls in Matale

Sera Ella Falls in Matale

A spectacular waterfall with a cave so you can view the waterfall from the inside. The fall is divided into two parts when it falls below the rock face, both falling at a height of 10 m (33 ft) and can be seen from the Dumbara forest. The Kitul Ela and the Hunumadala River, the Gonamada, and the Deyuthu Gammaduwa hills flow together from the Kaudagamana mountain to form the Puwakpitiya river. This later joins the Thelegam River, at which point the fall is created when waterfalls from a rock face protruding from the Dumbara forest.

From November to March, this fall flows throughout the year and peaks during the monsoon season. The fall is named after the aquatic species ‘sera’. The fall is located in the village of Pothathawela near Laggala in Laggala PSD in the Matale District. Travel from Matale or Lagalla to Ilukumbura.

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An interesting feature of this fall is the cave behind the fall. Steps have been cut to reach this cave, and the fall can be safely reached even when it is fully flowing.

Photos & video sponsored by Shehan Shaman

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